Accomplishing the Goal is the New Year’s Resolution

Accomplishing the goal is the resolution going into a new year!

A New Year’s resolution has little value not accomplished. I know this because there have been many years where I set a goal on January 1st and quickly forgot about it before February 1st. I did not create the action necessary to accomplish it. It requires discipline, effort, and consistency to achieve a goal, and it does not matter what the plan is! Here are some ideas on how to accomplish the goals you set heading into the new year.


Ask yourself, “What do I want?” Write it down, and remember it should not be what other people want for you. It should be what you wish to and be important to you! Let’s make that question more potent by asking, “What do I need?” A need written down can be your vision/goal for the new year.


Now ask yourself, “What is important about my vision?” Asking what is essential will give your vision power because it will align with your values. The more valuable the goal is to you, the more motivated you will be to pursue it.

Make it personal and pursue the things that hold great value. You will have a better chance to stick with it if it is a goal that is important to you.


A method will include the tasks, habits, resources, and the time commitment it will take to accomplish it. The technique asks, “How will I get it?” Please spend some time and write it down. Get the ways written down on paper, and then book it into your calendar. Calendar your whole year, or you can schedule 3 months at a time. Just do it now and get it booked!

Please educate yourself on the task and seek counsel from those who have already done it. Learning methods will save you time and help you avoid obstacles. Also, be committed to following proven ways that you are confident.


Ask yourself, “What is preventing me from having it?” Thinking will identify the potential obstacles you will need to overcome. Write down the blocks you are aware of, and know that there will be other obstacles you are not expecting. The challenges and resistance will build strength, and you will appreciate them after you overcome them!


Ask yourself, “How will I know I am successful?” Thinking will become your measurement for success. Ask this for the short term and answer this question based on full accomplishment. These will be the guide posts along the way to help keep you on track. Thinking this through is the idea of making sure the ladder is leaning against the right wall before you climb it. It saves time, energy, and valuable resources.


Verbalize your goals to a friend or mentor. Invite someone to keep you accountable and permit them to call you out when necessary. They need the ability to remind you to do something you need to do. Pick people who will positively encourage you and motivate you.

Book Your Calendar

I already mentioned this when we discussed methods, but I need to remind you to get this done as soon as possible. If you follow a calendar, take the time to put your goals in it. Book your appointment for success this year!

Take Action

Nothing happens without action. Action is traction, reaction, attraction, transaction, and satisfaction. Nothing great happens without action! Do not bother setting goals for the new year unless you are prepared to take action and accomplish them.

To your success.

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