Growth Mindset in Sales & Marketing

Develop a Growth Mindset in Sales & Marketing.

If you are in sales, you may have found yourself to have a natural talent for selling. Indeed, studies have confirmed that top-performing salespeople share several “natural” skills and personality traits.

Then all of a sudden, you will lose a big sale, get a return, not overcome an objection or realize you need to close more deals!

With some experience, you will quickly see that you might benefit from learning some sales skills. How do we do this? You do this with the proper sales training and a daily growth mindset.

Learning to develop a growth mindset will help you stay focused and committed to continual improvement in sales & marketing.

How to develop a growth mindset in sales & marketing

Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset in Sales & Marketing

Let’s look at 32 ways to develop a growth mindset and improve at sales & marketing or anything you want to do at a higher level.

1. Have a can-do attitude

It starts with a positive attitude. What you think and how you respond to circumstances will determine your results. Seeing things through a positive lens will help you make significant decisions and take more action. Attitudes are contagious so ask yourself if you want others to catch yours!

Hanging around positive people with great attitudes will help you maintain a great attitude—the power of association.

2. Believe “I will figure it out.”

Go into every situation believing you can figure things out to produce the desired results.

Optimism is a growth mindset to tell yourself that you will figure things out and get things done. Solving things is also the opportunity to ask for help and connect with mentors!

3. Focus on opportunity

Everything is an opportunity! People pay big money to have their problems solved. Salespeople who solve customers’ issues make money. A mistake is an opportunity to learn. A “no” is an opportunity to figure out how to overcome objections.

See everything as an opportunity, and you will develop a growth mindset.

4. Love Challenges

Challenges can overcome us if we let them. Loving challenges goes back to attitude and seeing challenges as a path to grow, learn and conquer. A victory is so much sweeter when the way to get there is full of challenges.

If resistance builds strength for a bodybuilder, challenges build strength when we press through them. Embrace challenges, and you will have a growth mindset.

5. Seek to solve problems

Solving problems is where the money is at for a salesperson. If a customer has a huge problem you can solve with a product or service, you will make the sale every time.

Price is not an issue if the customer solves their problem with a purchase. Please stop and think about your customer’s problems and help them solve them. Cha-Ching! Get paid.

6. Persist until successful

Great salespeople never give up, period. You may have to present to someone many times before you get the sale. Expect this and persist until successful. Follow up, follow through.

If you get a solid “no,” then that is OK. You persisted until you got a definite answer, and now you can move on to the next opportunity. With experience, you will know when the sale process is over and when it is time to move on.

7. Take risks

Great salespeople are willing to take significant risks. Are you ready to travel 2 hours for a 15-minute pitch? Glad to get the door slammed in your face once or twice?

Are you willing to do what others are not willing to do so you can have what they will never have?

A person with a growth mindset is willing to take risks.

8. Be unreasonable

If you want narrow results, you will have to do outrageous things. Nothing stupid or unethical! I am talking about a mindset willing to be unreasonable in a good way.

All your counterparts take lunch; however, you work through lunch. That is unreasonable, and it will probably produce you unreasonably fantastic results that your peers will not get.

9. Be dangerous

Risk and go all in. Invest in yourself more than others, sleep less than others, overbook your calendar, present to an audience that scares you, and meet with CEOs and Entrepreneurs who intimidate you.

10. Create wealth

Sell more and invest more. If you work hard for your money, make sure you spend it wisely. Buy things that have value and don’t buy something that wastes time and money.

I am no expert here, but I know that you can learn to create wealth by making significant decisions with your money.

Have a growth mindset to learn how to handle your money and create wealth. I will be more focused on this myself in the coming days.

11. Readily take action

Always be ready to take massive action. If an opportunity presents itself, jump on it. Nothing happens until we take action and make things happen.

Action conquers fear, produces results, closes sales, and action is the only way to win.

12. Always say “yes.”

This ties into #2 above, where you have to believe you will figure it out. When you get a great opportunity, say yes and then learn how to take advantage of the opportunity.

Yes is scary; however, you can do anything you set your mind to. Rise to opportunities and say yes to them.

Nothing will motivate you to have a growth mindset more than to stretch yourself with new opportunities.

13. Habitually commit

Be the guy or girl to commit and then follow through. As you take more on, you will become known as the person to bring opportunities to in the future.

Make a habit of committing and make a habit of following through. You will reap the fruits of this, and success will begin to snowball in your life.

14. Go all the way

For a salesperson, going all the way is critical. The appointment, presentation, service, and follow-up are vital to becoming a great salesperson. Go from point A-Z in the sales process and always follow through.

Also, go all the way with your daily decision to have a growth mindset. Take no days off and always be ready to improve.

15. Focus on now

Now is all we have when it comes to getting things done. Taking action means doing it now. Not “down the road” or “when you get around to it.” Procrastination is for losers.

Let me repeat this. Procrastination is for losers. While you are thinking about doing it, your competitor is out there getting YOUR sale.

16. Demonstrate courage

To do the 32 things on this list, you must be courageous. All kinds of people and circumstances will rise against you, and it will take some courage to prevail and see this through. It takes courage to make a significant change in your life.

17. Embrace change

The change will happen, so embrace it. It will not happen sometimes, and it will always happen.

Courage is scary, but change is where the rewards are. Embrace the ability to navigate through daily changes, and you will win.

18. Take the right approach

Whole books are about this, and this falls under the skills you need to learn to become a great salesperson. How you approach a puppy and an alligator is very different, and so it is with your customers.

As part of your daily growth mindset, read books, listen to audio, and speak to mentors to learn skills like this. Taking the right approach to people will boost your sales to new heights!

19. Break traditional ideas

Have you been printing out a sales presentation for years? Be willing to do something new. Make your next pitch with an iPad.

Have a growth mindset that allows you to try new things. Write your emails differently, deliver samples gift-wrapped, do things differently, and do not get stuck on traditional ideas.

Note: If traditional ideas are making sales with specific customers, stick with them and do not change a thing with them.

20. Be goal-oriented

Goals are a dream with a deadline. Goals have a start date, end date, and a process to follow to achieve them.

Go after goals with 100% effort and accomplish them! When you miss a plan, take the time to reflect, evaluate and make changes to do better next time.

21. Be mission minded

You will be more driven and have a growth mindset when you have a meaningful purpose! Missions set guardrails around your goals so that you are doing the right things for the right reasons.

If doing the things on this list comes easy to you, then that is an excellent indication that your goals align with your purpose and personal mission.

If the thought of getting better at what you do is daunting to you, then you may need to reflect on what you are doing and make a change.

22. Have a high level of motivation

Taking action is motivation. Getting a sale and making money is motivation. Improving and doing better is motivation. Learning from a mentor who is investing in you is motivation.

The more you do the right things, the higher your level of motivation!

“Just do it.”

23. Be interested in results

Results matter because they allow you to pay the bills, justify the effort, are measurable, give you data to analyze, and are motivating and rewarding.

24. Set big goals and dreams

Do not be afraid to dream big. Shoot for the moon if you want to hit the barn. Hitting a portion of an extended plan is more rewarding than hitting a tiny goal daily for 4o years of your life until the social security checks arrive.

A growth mindset will encourage you to dream more significantly than before. Your potential is HUGE, and you will never get close to it unless you desire big enough to chase it.

25. Create your reality

You have individual goals and dreams that should motivate you to be who you are. Get tips and tricks from a mentor and learn the process of success. Then get busy designing YOUR life.

Your calendar should make you happy. YOU decide how much time you spend with your kids; you choose where to relax and what to eat. You make the reality that fits you!

I do not work the hours that some of my heroes work because I want to spend a certain amount of time with my wife and teenage girls.

You design YOU.

26. Commit first, Figure out later

I covered this already, but it is worth repeating. Committing and figuring things out will help you win. While others struggle with commitment and quit on problems, you will be out there capturing the prizes hidden around every corner.

27. Be highly ethical

John Maxwell is famous for saying that there is no business ethics. There is just ethics. So in business, sales, marketing, little league, PTA, and everything you do… highly ethical.

People do business long-term with people they trust.

28. Be committed to the team

If you are on a team or lead a group, be all in and 100% committed to the team. The best teams, the ones who win championships, work together and are committed to each other.

Nothing significant happens until people work together to get it done. There is only so much you can accomplish on your own. Get on a team and make bigger things happen!

29. Commit to a growth mindset

Commitment is key to accomplishment. If you want to develop a growth mindset, you will commit yourself to the process and never quit.

Never quit.


30. Be uncomfortable

If you are still reading this post, you should be uncomfortable. None of this comes naturally, and all of this will take you out of your comfort zone. That is where all the good stuff happens.

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable if you are in sales.

31. Have “reach up” relationships

This one is HUGE. Establish relationships where you can reach up and learn from people who have gone before you. Having mentors is the best thing you can do for your growth mindset.

Reaching up is easy when you have a growth mindset. Buy dinner, lunch, coffee, or whatever they want, and listen to every word your customer says.

32. Be disciplined

Chasing your potential is a lifelong journey and worth the trip. Discipline yourself to develop a growth mindset and become the best at what you do. Daily habits produce daily results.

I encourage you to read daily. It is a great discipline to have.

To Your Success.

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