How to Stay Motivated in Sales/Achieve Success

How to Stay Motivated in Sales

Ok, let us get right into this by providing some practical ways to stay motivated in sales.

You will not hit a home run every time at bat, and you will strike out from time to time. There will be great days, and there will be challenging days for sure. Just know that you are not alone, and below are some practical ways to stay motivated in sales.


  • Have confidence that there will be a mutual payoff when you serve customers. Work like you are going to get paid more than your wildest dreams. Sell with the attitude that you are offering the products that they need and that they are holding your money. If you don’t believe this, you are probably not selling the right products.

Start at the beginning.

  • Never lose sight of every new customer you are starting at the beginning. They don’t care how good you are or how much you sold yesterday. The sales process starts new with every new customer. Build the relationship, identify the problem and solve it with the right offer. Decide now that you are starting fresh with each unique opportunity.

Take Massive Action

  • The only right level of action is massive action. Overbook your calendar and set as many appointments as you can. Fill out every line of your daily planner and stay active. Motivation comes while pursuing your goals.

Don’t Seek Balance

  • Tip the scales in your favor by being extraordinary and productive. Push yourself to exceed your goals. If you know that ten phone calls will produce results, make 25 calls to ensure success. It sounds exhausting, but it becomes energizing and motivating when you realize how much you have accomplished.

Do Whatever it Takes.

  • Go the extra mile for your customers. Prove to them that you want their business. If they cancel on you, make sure and follow up and reschedule. Bring extra data, deliver beautiful samples, have contracts ready to go, be flexible with interruptions, and do whatever it takes! Take the blame for a missed opportunity and then get it done.

Potential is a big deal! 

Pursue Your Potential

  • Set goals that match your potential and not just your ability. Your potential is always more significant than your current abilities, so stretch yourself with bigger dreams and go for it. You will stay motivated in sales when you push yourself and grow exponentially.

 Be Courageous

  • In sales, there are always moments of fear. Courage is not the absence of fear but the impulse to do something despite fear. Fear keeps us sharp and focused and let us know we need to bring our A game. Fear reminds us to keep learning and growing through the experiences of selling. It is motivating to reflect on the fears you have conquered.

Take Control

  • Your calendar is your calendar. Keep your eyes on your priorities. Don’t let other people or other people’s “fire drills” get in the way of what you need to get done. Yes, you will see the impact of circumstances outside your control but always focus on keeping on track. Write down your goals daily and spend your time on the stuff that matters.

Start a fire

  • Build a fire so big that your competitors stare in amazement. Seek to make a significant impact in your industry or line of work. Don’t seek to compete; seek to dominate. (part of your attitude)

Persistence is key!

Be Persistent

  • Persistence is a common trait among the most successful. Never let up on your effort to accomplish your goals. Anybody successful will tell you that it requires persistence. Persistence pays off and will keep you motivated.

Increase Urgency

  • It is good to have patience, but in sales, urgency is your friend. Don’t put things off, and never procrastinate. Develop a sense of urgency in your actions and reflect it in your calendar.

Avoid Normal

  • Regular activity is the most dangerous level of action you can take. Let your competitors be traditional while you strive to be excellent. Do ten times what you think is normal, and you will see great results.

Make Success Your Duty

  • Grant Cardone talks about success is our responsibility. If you have a spouse and children, you are responsible for providing for them. You must do your very best for your family. It is motivating and sets an excellent example for those you influence.

Be Repetitive

  • Power comes from repeating actions that produce results. Learn this, and you will have highly productive days, months, and years ahead of you.

Make Decisions

  • Confidence comes with the exercise of making decisions. You will not always make good decisions, but you will learn and grow as you learn to make decisions throughout the day. Don’t leave things hanging in limbo. Make decisions and knock things off of your list of things to accomplish.

Work Ethic

  • Have a strong work ethic and avoid excuses. Allow your competition to have reasons while you work hard to get things done. Working hard will not kill you; it just might motivate you throughout the day.

Be a Player

  • Nothing is more motivating than getting out there and playing in the game. It is always better to be on the field playing vs. sitting on the sidelines watching. Get involved and become the best team player on the field.


Set Big Goals

  • Anybody who suggests that your goals are too big gave up on theirs a long time ago. It is a good thing to set a huge goal that scares you. It will activate something inside you that will start working on accomplishing it. If you do not hit a huge goal but move ahead toward your potential, you still win!

Don’t Fit In

  • Don’t worry about fitting in but be more interested in being successful. If you have to work, work hard and accomplish what you set out to do. If others give up, you do not want to “fit in” with them anyway.

 Pursue Potential

  • I have already mentioned this a few times, but it is worth repeating. You will find satisfaction in reaching your potential, making the actual circumstances less critical. You can sleep well at night knowing you are striving to meet your God-given potential.

Think Big

  • Thinking big takes the same amount of effort as thinking small. Stretch yourself, and you will be motivated to move forward. Staying motivated in sales and life is about advancing to the next level. If you don’t trust your talent to get there, outwork everyone to get there!
  • Have Fun!

To Your Success

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