Plan The First 90 Days / Starting a New Opportunity

Proven strategies to get up to speed smarter and faster in the first 90 days.

I recently accepted a new opportunity, and I followed a plan to get up to speed smarter and faster. Here is what I did to make the most of my first 90 days on the job.

Prepare for Success

Like anything new, I started by getting excited. I was also anxious to get started and wanted to jump in quickly. So I looked at the company website and started introducing myself to new team members immediately. I cleared my head and got ready to learn something new.

Accelerate Learning

All new employees are going to learn and go through an onboarding process. However, I wanted to accelerate the process and fill my days with training, studying, and learning everything I could to get off to a fast start. I found it essential to pursue excellence from the beginning and create momentum.

Match Strategy to Situation

Another key in the first 90 days was to match strategy with the situation. Knowing the company’s status and role was critical for success. I needed to know if the company was thriving, turning things around, reorganizing, or enjoying accelerated growth. I needed to see the situation and then plan a strategy to win.

Secure Early Wins

I have always understood that securing early wins will set the stage for long-term success. A win in this situation is about achieving goals set by your boss and the company quickly. I needed to understand what they wanted and then go after it! Strategy can’t force it, but I must pursue it with energy and passion.

Finish the First 90 Days Strong

Before I began, I wanted to find a resource to help me get on track, so I bought a book and read it throughout my first 90 days. Some of the ideas in this post are from the book: The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies For Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter.

Mindset Matters

I wanted to start strong and create momentum for a successful future. That mindset will continue as I pursue consistency, growth, and potential. The goal is long-term success and to finish strong.

By having a plan for the first 90 days, I have set myself up for continued success if I stay the course. Every day is a new opportunity to grow, learn, take action, move forward, and achieve results.

The Next 90 Days After the First 90 Days

Many companies set quarterly goals and have quarterly reviews. Every 90 days, they review results from the previous 90 days and then set goals for the next 90 days. They establish mile markers along the way to track progress. I plan to take time to reflect on my progress and set new goals every 90 days as well. I will book it on my calendar and take the time to do it.

Put Plans in Writing and Track Results

I have found it beneficial to write down my goals, progress, and results. There is something about taking a pen and writing it down on paper. It seems to stick and helps me focus.

I write out a daily to-do list to track daily tasks. I write out weekly goals and put a due date on them. I will also write out monthly, quarterly and yearly goals.

It is beneficial to keep goals in front of you and track them.

Example: Breaking down a yearly sales goal

  • yearly plan: $250,000 in sales
  • quarterly goal: $62,500 in sales
  • monthly goal: $20,833.33
  • daily goal: $992 (based on 252 working days)
  • Determine how many leads you need to contact daily to get those results, and then TAKE ACTION and go for it.

Planning is just one example of how you can create and track any goal you have.

Keep Written Goals on Your Desk

Written notes will be a reminder and a form of accountability. It will help you focus on what matters most. Distractions are real, and they will derail you if you let them.

FOCUS ON WHAT MATTERS! Discipline yourself to focus on the main thing.

Do this for the next 90 days, and you will build a habit that will serve you well for the rest of your life. Have fun with it. Write in purple ink outside the lines if you want. Make it enjoyable and a process that works for you.

Look for a New Opportunity and Plan the First 90 Days

It does not have to be a new job or career! Do something you have always wanted to do, then make a plan for the first 90 days and make it happen!

Learn more by picking up the the book from Amazon.

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