Productivity Killers to Avoid

Productivity Killers to Avoid

If your productivity is not high, it is probably due to some of the following things. Let’s take a look if you think it will be productive.

Web surfing

is probably number one on the list. Our computers are productivity tools with a built-in temptation to waste time. Music, videos, articles, shopping, and breaking news can suck up valuable time. Actual work needs to happen if you are going to be productive. Yes, you can learn something new on YouTube, and it is fun to take a break, but when you spend an hour doing it, you fall into the unproductive category.

Water Cooler TalkĀ 

Water cooler talk can steal valuable minutes and waste your time. It is hard to be productive when you are socializing and not at your desk. Yes, you need to socialize and connect with associates. It is valuable to do this. However, you need to set boundaries and keep the chit-chat to a minimum if you want to be productive at work.

Extended Lunch Breaks

Extended breaks are also a big waste of time. Yes, you have to eat, but you also have work if you are going to increase productivity. Eat and get back to work. Or meet with a client and talk business while at lunch. You can also read reports or emails while you eat. Think of ways to stay busy and productive throughout the entire day.

Emails and phone calls

Emails and calls can waste a ton of time. Some emails and calls produce results, and some are worthless and need to stop. You know the difference, and you can increase production by focusing on the emails and calls that matter. Set specific time aside to address emails and make phone calls. When working on a project or meeting with team members, don’t allow emails and phone calls to be a distraction. Setting boundaries is key to staying productive.

Reacting instead of planning

Reacting on impulse can dramatically reduce your productivity. Making a list establishes your priorities and is better than reacting to whatever comes up. Make a list and work on completing everything on the list. Start with the list of items that are important and most productive. If you know you can’t get to a project or task today, schedule it in your calendar to remind you to address it another time.


Meetings can be unproductive, or they can be productive. The recommendation is to have productive ones. Simple but not always easy. If you are the guy writing detailed emails to your team and then calling a meeting to go over the exact details, stop! If you have a good team, they can do one or the other and find you if they need more direction. Reinforcing an idea or deadline is excellent but be efficient and quick with your communication. Sometimes we are unproductive by wasting other people’s time.

Redoing bad work

Bad work is a total waste of time and ultimately unproductive. Yes, you will make mistakes, and work will have to be redone from time to time, don’t make it the norm. Focus on doing things right the first time and watch your productivity increase. Doing things the first time takes focus and concentration but will make you more productive over time. It also shows people that they can count on you to do it right the first time.


Daydreaming is unproductive. They stare at the ceiling tiles; dreaming about the weekend is no good. On the other hand, staring at the ceiling and thinking things through can fall into the productive category. Scheduling time to think is essential if you are to be effective. Focus and then work hard!

Being unorganized

Get organized and stay organized. Being unorganized is a waste of time and highly unproductive. I use a daily planner to schedule my day. A daily planner allows you to write a to-do list and attach a time of day to do it. Written goals are also great to write in your planner. Written plans are productive, so start today if you do not already use a daily planner.


Productivity is the key to moving forward and accomplishing meaningful goals. Get focused and stay committed to making every day productive. Stay away and avoid productivity killers.
You have worked too hard to fall into habits that waste time and energy. It is a slippery slope, and you will realize just how much time you waste when you get a daily planner and write down everything you do throughout the day. I was amazed at how much time I had when I got honest with myself.
Being productive is not about doing more stuff; it is more about doing the important stuff that produces the highest results. Identify those things and schedule them first. The small stuff will fall nicely between the cracks of time you have throughout the day.

Mark it Off the List

Mark it off the list when you complete a task. The physical act of checking something off your list will make you feel accomplished and energized to start the next job. When you are halfway through the day and see half your list marked off, you will feel like you can conquer the rest of your to-do list. It feels great to get something done and go to bed at night knowing you had a productive day.

Write your goals down

Write goals every day when you wake up and again when you finish your day. Why? Because most people write out their goals as a New Year’s resolution. Writing your goals keeps your mind and schedule focused on accomplishing them. I can guarantee that this one tip will change your productivity forever. You achieve what you focus on, and this is a great way to get that done.

Last Productivity Tip

Take a break from everything I just suggested. Yes, have a day of rest and do nothing. Do not make a to-do list, do not use a planner, or do not have a schedule for one day. Just relax and recharge by doing things spontaneously. I usually use Sunday for this, but any day once in a while will work wonders for your stress level. Give resting a try; you will find it to be productive!

To Your Success.

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