musings on personal growth

Musings on Personal Growth

Musing is a period of reflection or thought. As another year comes to an end, I find myself reflecting on the personal growth I have experienced this past year. My intentional pursuit of personal growth includes interruptions. Interruptions can consist of emergencies, fire drills, last-minute schedule changes, and an overinflated to-do list. It sometimes feels…

10 Steps to Relax in Stormy Circumstances

10 Steps to Relax in Stormy Circumstances

How to relax during stormy circumstances It is amazing how busy we are in a typical week. Work, commute, kids, meals, sports, church, chores, exercise, shopping, cleaning, fixing, reading, homework, favors, dates, study, more work, classes, projects, cooking, paying bills, appointments, socializing, Twitter, Facebook, and the list go on and on and on. It is…