Best time management tips and tricks

Time Management Tips and Tricks to boost productivity

Time management is something I have to focus on to be productive.

Increased productivity makes time management more important than ever.

We should be paperless and digital tasks should be automated. Sometimes that is true, and I see digital technology’s benefits. I love having my emails and calendars on my phone and the access I have to all my files on the go. It does seem to make things quicker most of the time.
  • I can respond to emails quickly if needed without being at my computer. Love that.
  • I can open files and read information while waiting for an appointment in the lobby.
  • I can even download and print from my phone in a pinch.
But are we keeping up with the extra stuff we need to accomplish every day? It still feels like we are a few steps behind, constantly trying to catch up.
Like most things, my phone can be a blessing and a curse. The Facebook post I “need” to read or another text message I need to respond to immediately. My phone has also allowed me to waste time.
Like anything else in life, it requires discipline and focuses on utilizing new technologies to our benefit.
That is the phone but what about our good old computers? Weren’t we supposed to go paperless about ten years ago?
Why is my desk still full of papers and notebooks? Why don’t I use digital files? Why do my counterparts need to email me something and then put a hard copy on my desk? Why? Why? Why?
As I write this, I realize that good time management is about discipline. Stay focused and move from task to task as efficiently as possible. “Plan your work and then work your plan.”

Here are a few tips and tricks.

  • Delegate projects to support staff.
  • Have fewer meetings and make the meetings you do have more productive
  • Make a list and stay focused on knocking things off the list.
  • Don’t waste time, be lazy or procrastinate.
  • If you get stuck, stop and begin something else that can get done quickly.
  • Ask for help when needed. It is OK.
  • Set time aside to think about what you are doing. Prevent mistakes & double work.
  • Gain new skills that will allow you to do more in less time.
  • Use technology to your advantage and quit wasting time “playing games.”
  • Let the phone go to voice mail if you need to focus on something.
  • Make phone calls in the car on the way to work or an appointment.
  • Keep essential tasks on your list and take stupid stuff off the list.
  • Get a conference room and close the door if you need to concentrate on a project.
  • Eliminate distractions, and don’t worry about stuff you can’t control.
  • If you are a person of faith – pray.
  • Get a good amount of sleep and wake up every day ready to get it done!
  • Have a great attitude.
I am sure this list is missing a ton of other great ideas for better time management. If I sit here and brainstorm, I bet I could come up with 20-30 more things to add. However, I need to use my time wisely and get something else done.

Time Management in a nutshell:

“The main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing. That is the main thing.”

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