What is causing my stress?

What is causing my stress?  Here are some types of stress.

Physical stress

is mostly my fault. I am carrying around excess weight due to a poor diet and lack of exercise. My feet ache, and my back sometimes hurts because I am overweight.
There is a solution. Better diet habits include fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, healthy fats, oils, and lean protein. Every store carries these items; all I have to do is consume them more often! Duh.
I can exercise more and lose some weight. Physical stress reduction and healthy life are the results.

Financial stress

When I spend more than I have and create debt, I cause myself the stress and financial risk.
Spend less and save more. Duh! I need a budget and the guts to stick to it.

Emotional Stress

When something terrible happens to someone I love, it affects me emotionally. It is sometimes my fault and sometimes just part of life. I can try to help and pray for them, and the stress is bearable.
Conflicts and relational issues cause emotional stress, and addressing them is the best way to work through it. Don’t let it sit and go unaddressed. Stewing on things causes undue stress.
I find my faith in God the best medicine when dealing with emotions. I ask for His help and see what scripture says to do about it.

Professional Stress

Stress is a common thing because there is ongoing pressure to perform. Deadlines, sales targets, fire drills, and endless meetings are part of moving forward in business. Professional stress is not something I try to eliminate. It is something to work through, knowing that resistance builds strength.
Personal growth is the key to getting better at managing stress and overcoming obstacles. Stress can stimulate us to keep moving toward successful solutions—some of the pressure fades as we get better at what we do.

Family Stress is part of life.

Nothing foreign here. We all have families with unique family dynamics at work. Communication comes to mind when I think of how to address the stress that comes with family. Faith, hope, love, and a whole bunch of patience!
Being part of a family is a blessing and working through the challenges and stress is worth it.
Not much advice I can offer on this one, but I know it takes a lot of work and dedication to be a positive part of a family. I think of words like:
  • Patience
  • Forgiveness
  • Attitude (a good one)
  • Faith
  • Communication
  • Dedication
  • Commitment
  • Compassion
  • Love (should be at the top of this list)
  • Kindness
  • Cherish
  • Priority
There are probably 100 more words that I should list, but those are the ones that come to mind.
Stress is a part of life. Working through it is also a part of life. Don’t stress out about it, do something about it. May the rest of your day be a little less stressful.

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