Humility Handles Ambition in a Healthy Way

How Humility Handles Ambition in a Healthy Way

Is it wrong to have ambitions? Of course not. We are to produce and to accomplish. Perhaps another question to ask is; what is my purpose, and does that line up with my ambitions?

Humility healthily handles dreams when applied. As a person of faith, I have to keep in check the desires I have that are selfish and replace them with the desire to live out my purpose. A good dose of humility goes a long way in keeping my ambitions focused on what is essential.

Selfish Ambitions start from an early age. As a baby, we declare things like “mine” or “no” or “I want.”  We don’t need to learn this because it seems to come naturally. As we grow and learn discipline, we start to see that we have greater responsibility and purpose to pursue. Humility helps us slow down and ask for help in finding out what our true meaning and ambition should be.

The problem is not that we are ambitious; the problem is that we allow pride to drive our ambition rather than choosing to let humility manage our aspirations.

Do you serve a greater purpose than yourself? Are your ambitions aligned with your God-given responsibilities? Have you given up and resigned yourself to work, eat, sleep and repeat?

Do you demand or depend? This idea is an essential question because it establishes who is in charge of your life. I have spent many days demanding of myself and others only to realize that there is little to no humility or true purpose in that way of living.

Depending on others means you will accept help!

Demanding means you will be disappointed in yourself and others quite often.

Humility requires trust, which is a big reason why it is often so hard. Trust in God and trust in others to help you find your way. “Teamwork makes the dream work,” and it takes a humble person to be a solid contributor to a quality team. Relationships should probably be an ambition that I work on as I write this, and I need to realize the value others play in my life.

Have you noticed that it is natural to be demanding? It is not so easy to be humble and dependent on others. Nothing great is accomplished alone. It usually takes a team of people unified by a singular purpose to pursue and achieve something worthwhile.

Individual effort is essential to success, but you should tie it into something more significant.

What would it look like to pursue a greater ambition and approach it with childlike dependence on God?

Humility helps us handle our need to be noticed. Is it about us, or is it about the purpose given to us? Ambitions need to align with your values, and your values need to be with humility.How Ambition Handles Humility in a Healthy Way

I have come to realize that there are good or bad choices in everything.

  • Bad Food, Good Food, and Better Food
  • Bad Attitude, Good Attitude, and Better Attitude
  • Bad Friends, Good Friends, and Betters Friends
  • Bad Jobs, Good Jobs, and a Better Job
  • Dire Circumstances, Good Circumstances, and Better Circumstances
  • Selfish Ambition, Good Ambition, and Better Ambition
Our goal is to pursue the best life has to offer with humility and dependence on God.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight.”  Proverbs 3: 5-6

Humility handles ambition healthily.

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