Make Today the Day You Move Your Business Forward

Make today the day you move your business forward.

Have you ever looked at something and realized that it needed some attention? I mean, you stop long enough to take a look, and you know that thing you are staring at needs some real attention right now.

Once you realized it, did you say to yourself, “maybe later”? Did you acknowledge an opportunity and then put off doing anything? Yeah, me too.

It is human nature to put things off and procrastinate. We do it so well that we sometimes look back and realize we have NEVER done anything about it.

Today is the only day we can make a change. Today is the only day we can see something that needs our attention and then do something about it. Today is the day.

We need to do something today to make things happen. John Maxwell wrote a book called Today Matters. In that book, he illustrated the need to make every day count.

If you are in business, you need to do something right now to move that business forward. You have to hustle to get results. You need a tremendous amount of get-up to get your business rolling down the road towards success.

No more “white spaces” – fill up your time with the action. Get moving and get your people moving if you have people on your team. Call a play and execute the play. Huddle quickly, and then perform the next move until you get the ball across the goal line.

I have wasted time in the past and have lost momentum. I have procrastinated and lost a sale before. I have done nothing and wondered why nothing happened. Been there?

Make Today the Day You Move Your Business Forward

No More!

It is time to wake up every day and get going. Hustle all day until you are exhausted and lying on the battlefield of business. We are in business to make money, and the only way to get money is to go out there and get it. Money does not stroll into our wallets and sit down.

Make calls—set meetings & connect with decision-makers. Produce products. Fill your pipeline with customers and serve them well. Don’t take your foot off of the pedal. Keep going until you get there. Set a goal and aggressively pursue it with everything you have. Don’t hang up the phone until you reach the person.

Have an attitude that you will not quit. Set your mind to it, and then go after it. Be consistent and persistent in the pursuit of your goals. If you are in business, you should succeed. Succeed for yourself, your family, and your team members. Oh yeah, and for your customers. They deserve your best.

Forget the past, especially if you have wasted time. Get your eyes set in front of you, and don’t look back. Get going down the road to success. Continuously learn and grow to get better. Be a person who embraces growth and change.

Success is filling the gap between your reality and your potential. There is always room to grow, and there is always something new to achieve. Teach your kids by leading by example. Let them see your hustle, and perhaps they will go after that report card with a bit more excitement.

Do not think that it is ever too late for you. No matter your age or experience, you can start today to make a positive change. Set your mind to it and force your body to follow. It can be to run at a faster pace. You can work hard and produce results that you will be proud of.

Don’t ever give up and keep pursuing growth. Learn something new and sharpen the saw on the skills you already possess. Be the person that others look up to. Be the person that sets the pace. Be the person who leads others well.

Embrace new opportunities and get good at what you do. Invest in a coach and listen to advise. Practice by doing and learn from all failures and setbacks. Every circumstance is a chance to cash in results. Learn from every event.

Be the best you by getting better all of the time. Don’t run in place, head down the road that will get you somewhere. Take the time to map out a great course and run the race. Run it well and celebrate progress along the way.

Business is important because it produces options in other areas of your life. Not every day will be a holiday or banquet, but you can wake up expecting the possibility of one being right around the corner.

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