Partial Advice for Complete Success

Partial Advice for Complete Success (Tips to Move Forward)The list is endless when it comes to ideas about being successful.

There is the idea of failing forward.
Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success

Successful people are always willing to learn from all situations. We are allowed to grow and learn valuable lessons when we fail. In Chapter 6 of John Maxwell’s book, he talks about how failure is an inside job no matter what happens to you. Failing helps us see what we are from the inside out.

How do we handle challenges? Do we have the ability to pick ourselves back up when we get knocked down? If resistance builds strength, then can failure make us stronger? YES.

Moving forward often involves moving against resistance. We must push our way through to the other side of our circumstances towards our goals. Success is on the other side of challenges.

I remember a time when I thought everything was crashing in all around me concerning a business deal. I remember thinking about just giving up. With encouragement from the right people and by the grace of God, I picked myself up and kept going down the path toward my goal. Eventually, with some changes to the plan and some good old-fashioned hard work, the situation turned around, and good things happened.

Never give up!
You may need to pause, stop and think or reformulate a new plan, but never give up!

Success is about moving forward.

Successful people never stop moving forward toward something meaningful and worthwhile. You may need to adjust the process or means to get there, but never stop trying.

Success has a positive mental attitude. You have to have a mindset where you are determined to succeed.

Attitude Is Everything: Change Your Attitude and Change Your Life!

It does help to see the glass half full. It also helps to have a plan to fill the other half to get a full glass.

Use positive words when you speak. Be realistic, honest, and sincere but do it positively. Positive speaking takes practice, and you will have to fail forward towards doing this consistently. I have had to check my attitude and change it many, many, many times, and it is something I continue to work on.

Success is doing what you need to do. Make sure your ladder is leaning against the right wall before you begin to climb it. Think long a hard about an opportunity before you give up everything else to pursue it.

Be willing to change. Change is scary, and change is also exciting. Change almost always needs to happen to get us going in the right direction.

Get on a great team and contribute. Play ball and practice are playing your position so that you become better. Groups are important because nothing big usually happens when you do something yourself. We do life together. “Teamwork makes the dream work.”

Leaders are readers. Commit yourself to learning new things continually.

Stay humble. If you are not humble, become humble. Be patient and kind to others. If you act like a jerk, stop it. People reap what they sow.

Success Is Not an Accident: Change Your Choices; Change Your Life

Success is not an accident. Success is on purpose. Live your life on purpose. Find your purpose and get on it. In this post, I have not defined success. I do not think I will try. This post is merely a partial list of things to do to get the win, whatever that happens to be.

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