Steps to Achieving a Goal

Steps to achieving a goal.

I heard Tony Robbins teach on this, and I thought it was good. Of course, I am adding my spin on what to focus on in achieving a goal.

Vision – What do you want?

Values – What is significant about what you want?

Methods – How am I going to get it?

Obstacles – What stands in the way of me getting it?

Measurements – How will I know I am successful at achieving it?

The quality of your goals determines your quality of life. The vision and values hold the keys to success. You have to know what you want and have a good reason to like it. There has to be meaning behind it.

Achieving the wrong vision based on poor values will set you up for heartache and disappointment. As a person of faith, I know that the idea has to be correct, or else the other steps are a waste of time and serve little purpose. It is like having a nice, dependable car and driving it in the wrong direction.

Spend a lot of time on the vision and values, and the rest will fall into place.

We have so many roles that we play, and our time is often spread too thin. Evaluation is also where we need to think things through on where we will spend our time. A big part of this is learning to say no to some things so we can focus on the right things.

Learn to be intentional and focused. Don’t put too many lines in the water; remember, you can only reel in one fish at a time. God, family, work, and community will fill your days, so be slow to take on more than you can handle.

Run potential goals through a filter. Scripture, spouse, mentors, and common sense work well for me. Oh yeah, the calendar as well. A full calendar should help filter the number of goals you set at any given time.

Once you know what you want and why it is essential to you, go for it with everything you have and use the rest of the steps to achieve it. Work the methods, overcome the obstacles and measure your success!

Steps to Achieving a Goal

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